Dr. Emrah DİKİCİ
Scientific and Technological Application and Research Center, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey

Dr. Emrah Dikici received BSc degree in Chemistry from Atatürk University in 2009. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in Biochemistry from Erzincan Binalı Yıldırım University (2012) and Aksaray University (2024), respectively. He carried out his PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Odabaşı. His research interests include the preparation and modification of bio and synthetic polymeric materials and their applications in different areas such as molecularly imprinted polymers, biosensors, nanostructures. He also studied on immobilization of enzymes and their catalytic activity, herbal extracts and their antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial and anticancer effects. Additionally, chromatographic (HPLC/LC-MSMS and GC-MS) and heavy metal analyses (ICP-MS) are among his expertise areas. Dr. Dikici was found at some European Universities in scope of Erasmus mobility program. He has been working as a lecturer at Aksaray University, Scientific and Technological Application and Research Center since 2016.